The latest news is brought to you by WEALTH at work, a leading financial wellbeing and retirement specialist. WEALTH at work and my wealth are trading names of Wealth at Work Limited which is a member of the Wealth at Work group.

Top ten tips to avoid getting into debt this Christmas.

Top ten tips to avoid getting into debt this Christmas.

19th November 2019

Christmas is an expensive time of year as the cost of presents, decorations, meals out and entertaining all add up. Individuals intend to spend £567 each at Christmas, with 46% planning to pay for it using credit cards, store cards and overdrafts.

Latest FCA findings: almost half of pensions accessed without regulated advice or guidance.

Latest FCA findings: almost half of pensions accessed without regulated advice or guidance.

7th November 2019

The FCA has released new data showing the actions that individuals have taken the first time they access a pension pot.

Less than one week to go until new pension ‘wake up packs’.

Less than one week to go until new pension ‘wake up packs’.

28th October 2019

The FCA’s new rules on pension ‘wake up packs’ - the information that an individual receives from their pension provider before accessing their pension fund, comes into effect on the 1 November.

Top Pension Mistakes - What NOT to do with your pension.

Top Pension Mistakes - What NOT to do with your pension.

24th September 2019

When it comes to accessing retirement savings, it seems that there are a lot of mistakes being made.

Top 10 tips for students on how to cut costs and boost savings.

Top 10 tips for students on how to cut costs and boost savings.

10th September 2019

WEALTH at work, a specialist provider of financial education and guidance in the workplace supported by regulated financial advice for individuals, has created a series of financial education seminars for university students.

how much income do you really need in retirement?

how much income do you really need in retirement?

5th September 2019

It is very important to save for your retirement but many people may not realise that it could be possible to have the same disposable income in retirement as when they were working, even if their pension income is less than half their salary.

Are you missing out on free money from your employer?

Are you missing out on free money from your employer?

7th August 2019

22% of UK adults expect they will never be able to afford to retire, equating to almost 8 million people according to latest research.

Top 5 considerations for people wanting to withdraw from their pension.

Top 5 considerations for people wanting to withdraw from their pension.

7th August 2019

Figures published by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have revealed that a record 336,000 individuals have taken £2.75bn out of their pensions in the second quarter of 2019.

WEALTH at work listed as one of the ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ 2019 by the London Stock Exchange Group.

WEALTH at work listed as one of the ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ 2019 by the London Stock Exchange Group.

26th June 2019

WEALTH at work, a specialist provider of financial education and guidance in the workplace supported by regulated financial advice for individuals, has once again been identified as one of London Stock Exchange Group’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain.

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