Taking control of your finances in 2022. - 31st January 2022
Many people are aware that they should be paying off their debts, saving more, or spending less, but actually taking control of your finances and making decisions, can be daunting.
Many people are aware that they should be paying off their debts, saving more, or spending less, but actually taking control of your finances and making decisions, can be daunting.
Pension pots and retirement savings are often the most money many people ever have access to, so it is important that those retiring in 2022 understand their options and make informed decisions.
In its latest research series of working adults, WEALTH at work – a leading financial wellbeing and retirement specialist, has uncovered the top financial worries that people have.
Six out of ten people (63%) think their financial knowledge is either excellent or above average, according to a new survey of working adults.